Is Yogi Adityanath Governing Well?

With fast-approaching elections in Uttar Pradesh, the question frequently being asked in the context of BJP winning the elections again is about whether Yogi Adityanath is governing well? The short answer is yes!
With fast-approaching elections in Uttar Pradesh, the question frequently being asked in the context of BJP winning the elections again is about whether Yogi Adityanath is governing well? The short answer is yes!
Impressive work done by the Yogi Adityanath government is reflected in the state’s ranking in the SKOCH State of Governance. The state posted a commendable improvement in its ranking during 2020 rising to sixth place from 11th position in 2019. Uttar Pradesh moved to the ‘Star’ states category in 2020 from the ‘Performer’ category in 2019. There is a consistent improvement in the state’s ranking. Uttar Pradesh was ranked at the 12th position in 2018.
After taking charge as the 21st Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh in March 2017, Yogi Adityanath listed improving law and order and inclusive development among his top priorities. It required an extraordinary effort as the state’s law and order situation was in shambles. How Yogi Adityanath planned to achieve the development targets and improve the law and order situation? He expressed it in five words: “Na bhaitunga na bhaitne dunga.” He knew it very well that the task was enormous and required tireless efforts not only from the chief minister but also the other stakeholders involved in governance.